February 04, 2008

Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc. Announces The Launch Of AxioVision ASSAYbuilder For High Content Analysis

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan
Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc. announced recently the launch of a new technology that delivers high content analyses to research microscopes.

The product ASSAYbuilder is a suite of next generation High Content Analyses (HCA) tools that can be added to any microscope with a digital imaging package including AxioVision. For the first time, any researcher can upgrade their ZEISS microscope to an HCA system at a fraction of the price of existing high content screening systems.

High content screening has accelerated drug discovery in the pharmaceutical industry for years. Leveraging the power of research microscopy for high content analyses promises to enable precise assay development and hit qualification for the screening community, while reducing the access cost for academics that need greater flexibility when imaging and analyzing biological targets. “We are excited about pairing High Content Analyses with high resolution imaging, confocal microscopy, and advanced digital imaging modalities,” states Martin L. Pietila, Associate Product Manager for High Content Analysis at Carl Zeiss.

“Bridging research microscopy and screening constitutes a continuum of technology in the biomedical imaging market. By leveraging our experience with the Thermo Scientific Cellomics product line we have matched the best in class imaging with the best in class high content analysis technology,” states James A. Sharp, President and Chief Executive Officer of Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc.


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