September 09, 2008

How Long Will It Be Until Telemedicine Reaches Widespread Adoption?

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan
Here is a survey from HIMSS looking at rates of adoption for telemedicine.  Nearly two-thirds of health IT professionals surveyed said it would take four or more years until telemedicine reaches widespread adoption, according to a new survey by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society.

Twenty-four percent of respondents said it would take two to three years to reach widespread telemedicine adoption, while 2% said widespread telemedicine adoption would occur within the next year and another 2% said widespread telemedicine adoption already is in place.

Forty-seven percent of respondents said the biggest barrier to telemedicine adoption is the lack of reimbursement for offering the technology. Meanwhile, 19% of respondents cited the cost of the technology as the biggest adoption barrier, while 12% said regulatory limitations are the biggest barrier and 7% said the complexity of the technology is the biggest barrier.

The survey also found that 76% of respondents believe that telemedicine will improve access to health care. In addition, 11% of respondents said telemedicine will improve the quality of health care, and 9% said it will improve cost efficiency.

Results are based on an August survey of 417 health IT professionals.

Source: HIMSS


Comments (1)

  1. Miguel Cabrer

    Interesting survey, overall for companies to dedicate to telemedicine. Yes, cost can be a barrier but depending.
    If we are speaking about online sincronous telemedicine then technology can be expensive. Asincronous telemedicine technology is cheaper or even could be provided for free.
    Site like our website provides a tool that allows to manage private cases and can be used for telemedicine with no cost for the user.
    THis is coming everyday more, so telemedicine will consolidate sooner than the expect 4 years.

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