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The College of American Pathologists (CAP) and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) issued a joint guideline today aimed at improving the accuracy of immunohistochemistry (IHC) testing for the expression status of estrogen (ER) and...

i-Path has developed web-based software products together with an entirely hosted solution for virtual microscopy, removing the need to store any slides locally and for local installations of software, and providing reliable speedy access...

Douglas Smith, MD, the medical founder of Minute Clinic, joins Consult A Doctor, Inc. as Chief Medical Officer; calls Consult A Doctor “the next evolution in medical care delivery, increasing access and lowering costs.” Miami,...

You may have heard about the launch of Apple's iPad, and how the device seems to be drawing a lot of interest from healthcare circles. It's not only seen as something clinicians can use to chart patient encounters, but also as a tool...

Have recently joined the handful of people on Facebook and started a page for Pathology...

The power of computer algorithms to help assist or automate traditional laboratory methods is one of the major value propositions for digital pathology.  Microscopic techniques for the diagnosis of TB are often tedious and made more...


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