April 11, 2013

“Big Changes in Today’s Pathology Job Market Create New Opportunities for Residents & Fellows”

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan

Tuesday, April 16, 2013—Webinar one of a two-part series

Join us and learn how to find—and land—your ideal pathology position!

Big changes in the American healthcare system mean equally big changes to the job market in pathology and laboratory medicine. Designed with the busy resident and fellow in mind, our April 16th PREP webinar, “Big Changes in Today’s Pathology Job Market Create New Opportunities for Residents & Fellows” puts you front and center of these significant changes—by giving you personal access to one of the leading pathologist recruiters in the U.S., and by tapping the insights of pathology leaders from the nation’s largest urban healthcare system!


Richard Cornell, President, Santé Consulting, LLC, a national physician recruitment company. Cornell has 20 years of experience in healthcare recruiting and consulting, focusing exclusively on the recruitment and retention of pathologists.


James M. Crawford, MD, PhD, Chair, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and Senior Vice President for Laboratory Services, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, and founding Chair, Department of Pathology, Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine, Hofstra University

Cynthia Bevis, Assistant Vice President, Laboratories, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System

Register Today and Boost Your Pathology Job Search Success

Whether you are a pathology fellow ready to find your first job, or a pathology resident still a few years away from completing your residency, the status of the pathology job marketdirectly affects your career prospects.

You’ll find this concentrated 50-minute webinar—and its part two companion that will address how to negotiate compensation and benefits during job interviews—a concise, productive way to access vital information about the real world and current state of the pathology job marketplace. It’s your opportunity to get outside the four walls of the academic environment and take the temperature of today’s pathology job market.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn during this in-depth 50-minute webinar:

  • Current trends in pathologist recruiting and hiring
  • What’s soon to change in hiring practices for younger pathologists
  • How to recognize the best pathology positions
  • Identifying the highest-demand subspecialties in pathology
  • Accessing the best websites for finding a pathology job
  • Best ways to match your pathology skills to the needs of potential employers
  • Essential skills in highest demand
  • Mastering tools you’ll use to market yourself to different practice settings
  • Secrets for working with professional recruiters and how they can contribute
    to the success of your job search
  • How to stand out in an ocean of candidates and get the interview for your
    dream pathology job
  • And much more!

For one low price—just $299—you and all your residents and fellows can participate in this information-packed webinar. You’ll be provided: a downloadable PowerPoint presentation from our speakers, a full transcript of the session emailed to you soon after the conference, and best of all—you’ll be able to connect personally with our speaker and moderators via instant messaging and telephone for live Q&A.

Don’t miss this exceptionaopportunity. Have your pathology residency program register for this session so it is available to all pathology residents and fellows at your academic center, particularly those fourth-year residents and fellows now engaged in their job searches!

 Two easy ways to register:

1. Register ONLINE
2. Call THE DARK GROUP toll free: 800-560-6363 or 512-264-7103

PREP stands for “Pathology Resident Education Program” and is a new service from THE DARK REPORT and DARK DAILY. PREP delivers webinars that provide essential information on the business side of the profession to pathology residents and fellows who are transitioning from residency to practice.

© 2013 The Dark Group, Incwww.darkreport.com


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