February 08, 2015

College of American Pathologists (CAP) Launches New Look; New Website

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan


If you have seen any recent marketing materials from the CAP or visited their website recently you likely have noticed a change in the organization’s logo.

More information about the logo and its background are available in the form of a few videos here.

According to the President’s message on the site, the design is to be “fresh, contemporary, and positions the College of American Pathologists, our members, customers, and employees as an integral part of the health care community to advance pathology. It’s dynamic while representing the promise that a combined strength benefits patients, physicians, health care systems, and the public because people are healthier when cared for by pathology and laboratory medicine.”

Designing logos, which by definition, are a “graphic mark, emblem, or symbol commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition” is a very difficult concept in my own experience.

Company logos are often times held very sacred, even if perhaps outdated, unrecognizable, contain small fonts, poor color choices, type fonts, etc… Changing these can be even more difficult. Even perhaps moving from a horizontal to more vertical representation can often cause angst among stakeholders. Add to that now “Internet-compatibility” issues, consistency with URLs, social media channels and the like and it can become more difficult.

I gather many discussions have been held over the years about the College’s logo and its meaning to members and those that the College serves and for all of us, what does the logo mean for the patients we care for? Does it have any meaning? And I gather more time in committees and board sessions to approve the final design and messaging.

Personally, I will miss the circular logo with the laboratory-flask like design and the name of the college or “cap” adjacent to the image.

I like the way the diversity is represented, not only in the membership, our practice settings but also in the patients that we serve and this is an important message that will become recognized in the logo as quality in pathology and laboratory medicine which is the mission of the College.

What are your thoughts on the new logo?





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