pv2016-1Expand your knowledge & Make Connections

Pathology Visions, the Digital Pathology Association’s annual conference, delivers education, best practice purveyance, while influencing industry standards and contributing to the advancement in the standards of patient care.

Attendees at Pathology Visions will have access the wealth of knowledge from thought leaders and pioneers in digital pathology. Attendees also participate in cutting-edge workshops with distinguished trade visionaries, see the latest product solutions, earn CME credits, and much more.

Pathology Visions presentations cover three tracks – clinical, image analysis, and education and research topics.


Making Good on 30 Years of Hype. Digital Pathology Finally Comes of Age.
Ulysses G. J. Balis, MD, FCAP, FASCP, FAIMBE
Univ. of Michigan Health System



WUPax: Valuing Diversity 
John Pfeifer, MD, PhD
Washington University
School of Medicine



The Pathology Visions exhibit program furthers the education of attendees by providing an opportunity for on-site discussions and exchanges on the newest available technologies, as well as an area for exhibitors to present information on products or services pertinent to the attendees’ professional interests.

Take advantage of this ideal opportunity to showcase your products and services and meet face-to-face with attendees interested in digital pathology.

For more information and to reserve your exhibit space, click here.


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