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Dr. Singh’s extensive experience in medical technologies will help grow the company’s AI-based solutions footprint in pathology labs Tel Aviv, Israel - Ibex Medical Analytics, the pioneer in artificial intelligence (AI)-based cancer...

  Very cool -- robust image analysis combined with whole slide images with per-cell classification of multiple stains.  Negates region of interest detection & multiple slides for multiple stains. Albuquerque, New Mexico...

10 August 2011 -- Fenway, MA. After many years of anticipation, a killer application has finally been discovered for digital pathology, by researchers at the Fenway University in Boston, Massachussetts. "One would think that simply being...

According to the Dark Daily, acquisition of digital pathology technologies still remains in earliest stages: "Anatomic pathology laboratories continue to purchase and deploy digital pathology systems at a brisk rate. It...

2010, in a word, was about change.  Personally, my family and I moved from Mayo Clinic in cold and snowy Rochester, MN to private practice in slight less cold and snowy Charlotte, NC. So far the move and new opportunities have...

Definiens Digital Pathology Image Analysis Webinar Series:Introduction to Definiens Tissue StudioMarch 31st, 11am EDT Register here: After registering you will receive a confirmation email...


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