August 15, 2008

MDPIXX: a successful story

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan
MDPIXX has now been life for the last 3 months being. After those months more than 12.000 images and 1.800 clinical cases have been stored on MDPIXX. These contents make MDPIXX a successful story.
The growth of users and the reach potential Market has made the MDPIXX team to think about the business model and services. We are happy to provide doctors with several tools that help to the patient care process.
In that line, they are glad to announce that MDPIXX actual Premium Services become free in the new business model. MDPIXX will offer Enterprise Agreements to healthcare groups or organizations with some special functionalities and the capability to use MDPIXX filtered with specific Enterprise Content.

For all those reasons, MDPIXX Board proposes to change the actual Web name. MDPIXX is becoming the platform to create a social community of doctors that share and get connected to discuss cases. MDPIXX name doesn’t represent this and now we have an excellent opportunity to change it.

In the process of naming, they would like you to participate. There are two name candidates to replace ‘’: : "zyg" indicating a pair or a union , coming from medical greek terms. : coming from "meeting for medicine".

We would like you to vote one of the two options or sending a new name if you have different proposals (always while ‘’ remains available).
Please send an email with your favorite option to:

MDPIXX suggestion:
Tag your content
Keywords are an important part of the Case. An international medical terminology system (SNOMED CT) is used to index Keywords. The most keywords you provide the most visited and founded your case will be at MDPIXX. It will also provide multilingual support and automatic translation. Type medical terms to find the right term to apply to your case. Repeat the action to add new terms.

You will find more advices about using MDPIXX in the MDPIXX help.

MDPIXX PremiumWorld

MDPIXX offers you really interesting functionalities:

  • Store your medical images and videos
  • Create private clinical cases and share them with a group of colleagues
  • Show medical content stored at MDPIXX in your website (use Embedded Code)
  • Ask us about different gateways available to show images and videos from your own personal or corporative Web site

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