September 25, 2008

Revving Up QA in Anatomic Pathology

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan

Digital pathology can streamline how lab directors view and implement compliance procedures

There is a recent publication in Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory written by an Aperio senior marketing manager entitled "Revving up QA in Anatomic Pathology".

There is no question that one of the greatest deliverables, suitable for small and large groups alike is the ability to share material in a cost- and time-effective manner.  This speaks to having proforma QA, rapid access to subspecialists and the ability to review material seamlessly at the same time with colleagues. 

All of this is part of routine surgical pathology practice and may be streamlined and more effectively managed in the digital space with improved deliverables, such as archiving material, reviewing the same slide(s) at the same time and having the capability to share material without physical transfer of slides. 

The article addresses what digital pathology is and the applications for QA, proficiency testing, consultation, risk management and conferencing abilities.


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