August 23, 2009

United Breaks Guitars – Power of User-generated content

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan

Every once in awhile I come across a YouTube video I consider worth sharing.  As the CNN story starts on a related video, anyone who has had baggage lost, misrouted or damaged can relate to, this video is worth seeing if you are not one of the already over 5 million to view. 

Information concerning the context of this video (and a related 2nd video already produced and released) is covered on

It once again also teaches us the power of social media, user-generated content and the effects of such technologies that can have an impact on a company's image or reputation.

United Airlines issued an apology (which is hard to find beyond more links and references to the actual incident and subsequent videos, blog posts and comments…) and asked the songwriter about using the video as a training tool as reported by NBC News in Chicago.

I take a couple of lessons away from this — you may not want to upset a musician who may use his/her talents to compose a song about you or your business practices/policies and avoid checking any musical instruments as baggage.


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