The organizers of the first of a series of workshops on Digital Pathology were kind enough to refer me to their program offering to be discussed at the end of this month. For more information click on the images for links to their website and considering registering for the upcoming conference. 21 hours of European CME credits are available for this free conference.Pathology is the study of diseased tissue. It relies on visual evaluation of tissue – at both macroscopic and microscopic level – in order to identify changes which either represent a specific diagnosis or represent clinically relevant information. Evaluation is undertaken through the use of microscopy by a Pathologist who is trained to recognise specific disease patterns within tissue specimens. For over 100 years, this traditional one pathologist one microscope approach to Pathology has served the medical and scientific communities well but it is now in need of a radical overhaul. The future paradigm of Pathology will be Digital. Instead of microscopy, a pathologist will perform diagnosis through interacting with images on computer screens and performing quantitative analysis.The challenge lies in the need to process and model the huge volume of heterogeneous tissue-derived data in order to extract the clinically and biologically meaningful information for individual patients and to discover patterns and trends for individual diseases.Today, few engineers and computer scientists have the necessary knowledge of disease processes to facilitate advancing future digital pathology technologies beyond state of the art. Similarly, few clinicians have sufficient digital imaging knowledge and analysis expertise to fully exploit advances in digital pathology. There is therefore an urgent need for focused research and collaborative programmes to allow transferring of knowledge between different disciplines and consequently producing useful tools and experts in this important emerging multidisciplinary field.This workshop addresses this challenge. This is the 1st workshop of a series of activities including networking, workshops, summer schools and short courses designed in AIDPATH project ‘Academia and Industry Collaboration for Digital Pathology’ (FP7-Marie Curie Action). This workshop will be designated for a maximum of 21 hours of European external CME credits.The workshop is free, the cost of 45€ will cover meals and coffee–breaks. This may be paid by PayPal at or on your arrival. We can also arrange accommodation under request.
All sessions except Tuesday from 9:30 to 10:30 h. (GMT +1 time) can also be followed by video-conference. This option must be specified in the registration.
Certificates of attendance will be issued as of Wednesday, 30 April.
An application will be made to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) for CME accreditation of AIDPATH courses. This workshop will be designated for a maximum of (or ‘for up to’) 21 hours of European external CME credits.