January 26, 2015

PathXL Webinar this Thursday – Automated Tumor Cell Enumeration on Digital Slides – TissueMark®

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan




Date: Thursday, January 29th

Time: 10am – 11am CST | 4pm – 5pm GMT


Prof. Peter Hamilton | VP Research and Development,
PathXL Eileen Regan | Head of Account Management and Pre-Sales

pathxl3-janwebinar2015Empower your research with the latest upgrade to our award winning automated tumor annotation and analysis software, TissueMark. Within this product range we have developed three separate automated methods to count % tumor nuclei in digital H&E stained tissue slides reducing variability associated with visual estimation.

This novel approach is invaluable in defining thresholds for tumor cell sufficiency in FFPE samples showing precision and reproducibility never before achieved with image analysis. This can support evaluation of sequence-based biomarkers such as EGFRKRAS and BRAF, improve the efficiency of clinical trials which require solid tumor genomics, accelerate the discovery of new molecular biomarkers in solid tumors, or support the delivery of clinical sequencing.

In this 60 minute webinar, we will discuss these new methods and their validation accompanied by a live product demonstration of the TissueMark platform.

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