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Master simple secrets to converting inventory to cash that your lab can spend immediately; eliminate stock-outs and expired reagents while increasing lab and staff productivity! Would a quick infusion of $100,000 to $500,000 in cash within...

If this is of interest to you -- please send a response as below to: According to the job posting, pilot's license, musical interests and/or background in sports desirable! The field of pathology is embarking on a...

Many thanks to AC, DC, JO and RS whose experience as residency program directors and/or recent graduates with or without fellowship training contributed to this article with shared thoughts on what appears to be, in my opinion, a treacherous...

Several years ago while waiting for a flight I saw a girl in the waiting area covered literally in head to toe with tattoos. I didn't think much of it at the time really, they seem so common, not having one now I think makes you more...

December 17, 2015

Notice of Death

They seem to come in the form of a Facebook update with the morning review of the iPhone or an email update from an unfamiliar “Class of 88” address heading. They seem to stream to the top of the feed and email queue among the pictures of...


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