October 11, 2016

A Tweet by Any Other Name

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan

Over the past 9 years since I started blogging there have been from time to time occasional “duplicate” or “mirrored” or “syndicated” websites and feeds of content from tissuepathology.com. In nearly every case to date, including someone actually copying the entire site, there was little harm or foul. The links still refer to the original content, source document or third-party website being featured.

That being said, some folks recently have reached out asking about a couple of “new” Twitter feeds, one of which is not so “new”. @TPathologyJobs appears to be a job listing board of sorts with an avatar that I use to use quite a bit – it was from a negative immunostain histology section in a yolk sac tumor and looked like the profile of a man. This one has been replaced for some time but this account still uses it. The URL associated with the account – jobs.tissuepathology.com is in no way affiliated with this site.

digi_pathThere are also several accounts on Twitter that include the terms “digital pathology” as a search term. One in particular, @Digi_Pathology appears to be sharing our content through a Twitter feed, perhaps to promote themselves, or build up some content as they work on separate content or as an altruistic feed sharing service. Again, the content links appropriately to tissuepathology.com and the owner of the site has slowly been building a following. No harm or foul. However, there is some other content, from what appears to be a PubMed feed for references within pathology informatics, again, good content, just not generated from tissuepathology.com so our readers now know.

The book on social media is still only in its early chapters and much is left to be written about content, use of content, sharing content, its role in “academic publishing”, the lack of peer-reviewed knowledge sharing, copyrights, “creative commons”, “microblogging” at meetings and much, much more.

In the meantime, thank you to you, our readers for keeping us abreast of where our content is appearing and how you may be seeing it. For now, a tweet by any other name appears to be a tweet and we welcome the content distribution.


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