fred hutch

Kimberly S. Smythe
Immunopathology Lab | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Thursday 3rd May, 2018 | 8:00 AM PST | 11:00 AM EST | 4:00 PM BST

Recent successes in the immunotherapy of cancer have fueled the need to better understand the mechanisms underlying the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment.  Multiplex immunohistochemistry (mIHC) and downstream quantitative image analysis represent powerful tools to visualize and analyze the complex cell-cell and cell-stroma relationships within tumors.

In this webinar, we will discuss how we at the FHCRC use HALOTM-based quantitative image analysis and HALO LinkTM data management tools to:

  1. Quantify multiple phenotypes in the tissue
  2. Visualize and measure intra- and extratumoral spatial relationships
  3. Evaluate potential changes within the TME over time or in response to treatment
  4. Share images and data with collaborators

Together, the combination of highly multiplexed immunohistochemistry and HALO’s robust, user-friendly quantitative imaging tools provides unique capabilities to understand the tumor microenvironment and inform potential future therapies.

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