CaseViewer™ is 3DHISTECH’s free digital microscope application designed for supporting the histopathological diagnostic workflow and the microscope examination process in bioscience.  It is used by thousands of clinical pathologists, researchers and medical students worldwide.

The CaseViewer™ version 2.2 was released on May 8, 2018 with the following key new features:

  • MultiView: A maximum of nine slides of a single case with different stainings can be viewed simultaneously on the main screen.

  • Slide stack visualization: Slides of serial sections with different stainings can be organized and then aligned in a slide stack.
  • Case preview: In order to facilitate the diagnostic process, a slide preview panel with all slides within a case is integrated (stored in CaseCenter server or in a local folder).

For more information about CaseViewer™ please visit Download CaseViewer™ free here:


3DHISTECH ( is the pioneer of digital pathology. The entire company is dedicated to developing and manufacturing a wide range of PANNORAMIC® whole slide scanners, Track & Sign™ and CaseManager™ laboratory and pathology management, CaseViewer™ evaluation and teleconsultation and QuantCenter™ image analysis software solutions. Further products include confocal and tissue microarray machinery. The rapidly evolving product portfolio support not only clinical routine pathology, but also high level medical and pharmaceutical research as well as medical education. 3DHISTECH is the proud winner of several image quality and scanner speed awards at International Scanner Contests. The company with the largest global install base is represented in more than 70 countries and headquartered in Budapest, Hungary.


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