Learn to Apply & Raise Accuracy Using NEW Invasive Tumor Detection

Invasive Tumor Detection
September 18, 2018
1:00 PM CEST & 6:00PM CEST

Join us for our Invasive Tumor Detection webinar to gain insights into how a discrimination between invasive and non-invasive tumor is possible, and how this can increase the diagnostic confidence when assessing breast tissue slides.

We will demonstrate the use of P63 to identify the myoepithelial/basal stem cell in pre-invasive areas in combination with tissue alignment and PCK can be used to automatically exclude pre-invasive areas from the calculations. This can further increase the degree of automation for image analysis aided diagnostics and potentially reduce the inter- and intra-operator variability. Finally, for automated identification of Ki-67 hot-spots, the exclusion of pre-invasive areas will prevent the hot-spot to be falsely identified in a pre-invasive area.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

13:00 CEST, 7:00 AM EDT,
4:00 AM PDT

18:00 CEST, 12:00 PM EDT,
09:00 AM PDT





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