Philips Panel Discussion

Join the panel session with key opinion leaders and discuss how we can leverage the full value of digital pathology and AI and drive improvements in diagnostics, guided therapy and patient care.

Full digitization of the pathology workflow is a prerequisite to unlock the potential of digital pathology and enable artificial intelligence (AI) analysis platforms to enhance and accelerate diagnostic decision-making. So what are the barriers to the adoption of pathology digitization and what drives the need for laboratories, health care providers and governments to implement 100% digital pathology today?

Join the panel session on 7 December 14.30 – 15.50 GMT at the 5th Digital Pathology & AI Congress Europe in London or via live stream.

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In the UK , £50m of government investment has recently established five new technology centers of excellence aimed to drive the development of digitization and advancement of AI in pathology. These programs bring together NHS Health providers, academia, government and industry to collaborate and co-invest in digital pathology and AI to improve cancer care. By creating a unique digital infrastructure, the UK consortia have the ambition to lead globally in the development and adoption of AI in health.

Panel members include:

Jo Martin
President, Royal College of Pathologists

David Snead
NHS consultant pathologist UHCW

Bethany Williams
Leadership and Management Fellow Digital Pathology – Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS

Juan Retamero
Pathologist Granada Hospitals

Neil Mesher
CEO, Philips UK and Ireland

Peter Hamilton
Head of Research, Philips Digital & Computational Pathology

Not able to attend live? Register and listen at a time convenient to you.

Source: Philips


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