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“Proudly serving the Cytogenetic, Pathology and Research communities since 1993”


Applied Spectral Imaging (ASI) presents:


New, must-have clinical solutions to better facilitate hospitals and service laboratories.
Faster scanning (between 1.5-3 minutes), better tissue detection and more accurate quantitative analysis of digital pathology images for better patient care.


Achieve higher throughput and greater diagnostics confidence

Learn more today

To expedite the processing of more patient samples in less time, ASI’s high throughput Tray Loader can automate the scanning process of nearly 2,000 test samples per work week. To match, a user-friendly scanning monitor provides details on the slide scanning status, tray position, CDM statistics, among many more optimal workflow features.  Find out more about our unique solutions by clicking here


Better Algorithms | Better Tissue Detection | Better Diagnostics

Applied Spectral Imaging (ASI) is a global leader in biomedical imaging with a comprehensive product portfolio and a global distribution footprint. The company’s technology, powered by GenASIs, enables Pathology, Cytogenetics, and Research Laboratories to provide advanced diagnostics for better patient care. ASI has a wide portfolio of dedicated solutions for Brightfield, Fluorescence and Spectral imaging and analysis, including HiPath Pro, PathFusion, HiBand, HiFISH, Harmony and Rainbow.

Visit us online at or click here.

Source: Applied Spectral Imaging


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