World’s first smart scanner that scans
and analyzes the tissue at the same time

OptraSCAN®, the leading end-to-end digital pathology solution provider recently announced the launch of OS-SiA, a new generation ai-enabled digital scanner that automatically identifies regions to SCAN and simultaneously analyzes the tissue or cell area being scanned. OS-SiA is industry’s first AI-driven digital scanner that will provide real-time predictive analysis and actionable insights, ever discovered.

“Digital Pathology scanners found in the market are restricted to partial/ whole slide image acquisition and digitization of slide into an image. To overcome all these challenges, the thought of inventing a next-gen scanner – OS-SiA was born; wherein AI based classification modules and complex image processing algorithms are embedded in the scanner itself, eliminating the need of additional processing applications”, said Abhi Gholap, Founder & CEO, OptraSCAN. “The objective of introducing OS-SiA is to ease the work of histopathologists so they can view the scanned/digitized image along with analyzed output as overlay during their review process”, he further added.

OS-SiA scanners are highly flexible and customizable scanners that can be embedded in OptraSCAN’s existing series of cloud-enabled 15-120 slide brightfield scanners namely OS-15 & OS-120. The analyzed information act as reference Heatmap guiding the end users to get high level view of tumor, rare events or any other areas of importance. The digitized images taken from OS-SiA can be viewed in local, web based, mobility-based image viewer.

“It’s no denying that Pathology today has transitioned to a next level, all owing to the technology advancements. OptraSCAN is a front-runner of this movement and has proven that time and again. OS-SiA scanner, driven by artificial intelligence, is one such innovative creation that is specifically designed keeping in mind the ease of operation for the pathologists”, opined Dr. Jiaoti Huang, Chair – Pathology at Duke University & Chairman of OptraSCAN’s Medical Advisory Board.

Elated on launching this invention, Dr. Clive Taylor, Chief Medical Officer, OptraSCAN said, “AI-based products & solutions have great potential to improve patient outcomes and augment efficiency. I am glad that OptraSCAN has shown great strides in developing futuristic digital pathology products and solutions that can be automated, in-turn helping the pathologists in providing accurate assessments”.

OS-SiA provides algorithm framework to algorithm developers to seamlessly integrate 3rd party algorithms. For more information or scheduling a demo of OS-SiA, interested people can mail their requirements to

About OptraSCAN®:

An ISO 13485 certified company and CE marked whole slide scanners for IVD use, OptraSCAN® has developed world’s first ‘On-Demand Digital Pathology’ System; focused on delivering fully integrated, affordable systems & solutions. These serve as the perfect tool for transition from conventional microscopy to Digital Pathology for the effective acquisition of whole slide images, viewing, storing, real time sharing, and reporting via On-Demand or outright purchase model. Follow Us on LinkedIn and Twitter

Media Inquiries Contact:

Shruti Soman | Manager – Marketing Communications | 91.20.66540900 x 231 |



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