December 04, 2019

The most versatile Whole Slide Imaging system: MMI launches MMI CellScan

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan


MMI officially launches their latest imaging solution at the Digital Pathology congress in London, UK. The MMI CellScan is a new stand-alone system for Whole Slide Imaging. Researchers are now able to scan full resolution digital slides in any magnification and in any imaging modes, also in fluorescence.

For more than 25 years, MMI has been successfully developing and marketing unique instruments for selective single cell isolation, such as the MMI CellCut for laser microdissection. The MMI systems are based on inverted microscopes and thus support the flexibility provided by the microscope platforms.

Now, MMI launches the MMI CellScan, a stand-alone slide scanner based on the Nikon Ts2R microscope. The MMI CellScan is able to scan digital images using all objectives and imaging modes, even in fluorescence mode.

MMI CellScan image

Scanned images, saved in the commonly used BigTIFF file format, can be quickly opened, instantaneously viewed and directly analyzed in our MMI CellViewer software. To facilitate remote work as well as interactive work in larger teams, we offer unlimited MMI CellViewer licenses. In addition, the BigTIFF files can also be imported into most other slide viewers.

The highly sensitive CMOS camera and the precise microscope stage enables for fast scanning rates. Moreover, the motorized z-drive allows to employ an individual focus map for highest image quality and to always focus on the right plane also in uneven samples.

With its small footprint, the MMI CellScan easily fits into your lab. In addition, the system can be also used as standard research microscope.

MMI CellScan2.jpg

Dr. Stefan Niehren, CTO at MMI, is excited about the versatility of MMI’s newest solution:

“The MMI CellScan is a very powerful and flexible tool exceeding the capabilities of standard slide scanners on the market today. Our CellScan is compatible with all objectives, with all standard imaging modules, with most Slide Viewers and, of course, with all MMI products. ”

“In addition to our CellScanM module which can be uniquely combined with laser microdissection, we can now offer the stand-alone CellScan to provide Whole Slide Imaging for many more applications, for example in pathology but also in standard research”, highlights Prof. Dr. Stefan Seeger, CEO at MMI.

For further information on the MMI CellScan, please download the flyer, visit our website or contact MMI via

Do not miss the chance to visit MMI at their booth at the Digital Pathology Europe congress and to explore the MMI CellScan in a live demo!

About MMI

MMI (Molecular Machines & Industries) – your partner providing unique competence in microscopic single cell isolation. We specialize in

  • Pico-cut laser microdissection to isolate cells in tissue (CellCut)
  • Microscopy-integrated Whole Slide Imaging (CellScan)
  • Capillary-based selective isolation of single cells (CellEctor)
  • Optical tweezers to quantify biological forces (CellManipulator)

We understand that your lab equipment needs to meet the particular demands of your individual research projects in pathology, cancer research, oncology – in any project where you do not want to average out meaningful data, but focus on the single cell.

Based in Eching, Germany (near Munich), MMI has more than 25 years experience with single cell isolation technology. With customers in over 65 countries, MMI has established a broad user base and has installed more than 500 devices all over the world.


Dr. Heide Marie Resch
Marketing Manager Life Science
Breslauer Str. 2, 85386 Eching
Phone: +49 89 319 048 40





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