JULY 7, 2020 | 10 am PDT & 10 am CEST

How much information can you extract from a multiplex image created with Ultivue InSituPlex®, and what can you do with all the information?

Visiopharm’s technical specialist David Mason will dive into multiplex analysis of the tumor microenvironment using data created with the Ultivue InSituPlex® technology. Learn how he uses Visiopharm’s powerful Phenotyping module for analyzing multiplex images and how easy it gets to begin interrogating the tumor immune landscape.

Sign up to our use case webinar and learn about:

  • Tissue segmentation into areas of interest using single or multiple channels
  • Unbiased phenotyping across a panel of cell probes
  • Comparing analysis in different regions

Customizing outputs to ask specific questions

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All Visiopharm products are for Research Use Only outside of the EU.

Source: Visiopharm


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