
Webinar: Best Practices for Clinical Microscopy Cameras
Date: 1/20/21
Time: 10 AM and 2 PM EST
(both sessions will have the same content)

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Takeo Ogama, Senior Product and Strategy Planner and Product Manager, will cover frequently asked questions and best practices for clinical microscopy cameras, including:

  • Factors to consider when choosing a camera
  • The key camera features for pathology, cytology, hematology, microbiology, and other applications
  • Tips to achieve better image quality in your daily routine

We encourage you to all attend, as well as to share the details with any colleagues, customers, and other contacts who might be interested in the subject so they can attend as well. The webinar will be available on-demand after the 20th of January.

Register now


Source: Olympus-Lifescience


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