October 22, 2021

Citadel Health Awarded £15.9m Contract to Future Proof National Pathology Services Across Wales

BY Erica Goodpaster

citadel healthA £15.9m contract has been awarded to Citadel Health to provide innovative new technology to NHS Wales, which will bring together the management of end-to-end patient testing for every discipline across Wales. This will be the largest and most inclusive single laboratory information management system in the UK.

This significant investment by NHS Wales in the nation’s healthcare will modernize and transform pathology services and will result in better care, faster and more targeted treatments, and improved health outcomes for patients across the country.

Pathology underpins 95% of all clinical pathways and 70% of all diagnoses in Wales, therefore the opportunity to unlock efficiencies throughout the health system is significant. The pressure on testing services brought about by the escalating challenges of treating a growing and aging population, often with multiple coexisting conditions, has pressed home the need for modern pathology networks around the globe.

The Evolution vLab Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) software will replace the current three separate systems, to create a single, world-class, modern pathology network that connects every clinician, lab, and hospital in Wales with a complete patient test
management solution, all via a single login.

Once live, the system will manage the more than 35 million test requests that are processed each year by 21 NHS Wales pathology labs and support every hospital, clinic, and GP nationwide.

With Citadel Health’s solution integrated with NHS Wales Welsh Clinical Portal, laboratories, hospitals, and clinicians will have faster access to accurate, real-time pathology information across every discipline at their fingertips.

This will help to:

  • Enhance clinical decision-making, laboratory operations, and quality of care across every laboratory, hospital, and GP surgery in Wales
  • Provide a faster and more efficient service for clinicians, enabling enhanced cost savings and increasing the amount of time spent on patient care. (The NHS Wales LINC Programme Business Case revealed potential financial benefits equating to approximately £2.3 million per annum)
  • Improve the quality and speed of diagnosis for patients, reducing the need for repeat testing and giving patients access to the best pathology services available in Wales, wherever they are based
  • Benefit patients who have multiple conditions or who are supported by clinicians in a range of departments, as the system aggregates the patient record in a single repository

Citadel Health has a twenty-year track record of providing unified public pathology networks for healthcare across Australia’s population of 25 million people spread the length and breadth of the continent. Working across regional and remote areas, some a great distance away from major health facilities, the company has delivered services to disparate populations, helping to provide a level playing field between those living in rural and urban locations. Citadel Health’s UK subsidiary, Wellbeing Software, has a significant footprint in the UK with its radiology and maternity software solutions installed in over 80 percent of all NHS Trusts.

Stephen Lynch, Executive General Manager at Citadel Health commented:

“The Covid pandemic has placed unprecedented demands on clinical testing services worldwide, reinforcing the case for investment and transformation of digitally enabled healthcare systems to meet evolving needs.

“For clinicians and patients alike, getting test results as quickly and accurately as possible is essential to allow them to make timely decisions about treatments and ultimately provide the best possible outcomes.

“Our cutting-edge technology provides a unified pathology workflow to help people now, and into the future, as new tests and services are developed to meet growing demands. We’re proud to be working with NHS Wales – an organization that is leading the way in digital transformation of healthcare in the UK – we are delighted to be working alongside them on this journey.”

Judith Bates, LINC Programme Director, NHS Wales said:

“This is an exciting time for the Pathology service. LINC (Laboratory Information Network Cymru) is looking forward to working with Citadel Health, in partnership with Digital Health and Care Wales and NHS Wales Pathology services, to ensure the new LIMS (Welsh Laboratory Information Management System) is developed to meet NHS Wales requirements and safely deployed across all Pathology laboratories and services.”

Kevin Williams, NHS Wales Pathology Subject Matter Expert commented:

“This has been a very successful procurement involving a tremendous amount of engagement and effort from staff across multiple organizations. As a result of the logistical challenges created by COVID-19, we have learned to work remotely in an entirely different way, making the best use of technology to facilitate the work involved, including supplier demonstrations, supplier dialogue, and virtual site visits across the world.”

The contract with NHS Wales is to supply the Evolution vLab software for seven years, with the option to extend for a further two years. This future-proofed system will begin to roll out in 2023.

SOURCE: Citadel Health


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