November 24, 2021

Join Paige at the DP & AI Congress 2021 – In person or through our live virtual panel discussion

BY Erica Goodpaster

PaigePaige is excited to be attending the 8th Digital Pathology & AI congress in Europe on the 1st & 2nd December 2021.

An important part of the conference program in view of the FDA’s first ever market authorisation of AI for pathology is Paige’s Expert Panel Discussion on Dec 1st. This will be streamed live from the main conference room in London and is available for anyone to access via our live stream. Register now to watch this by clicking below:

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The US Food and Drug Administration has granted FDA market authorization to Paige Prostate, a clinical-grade AI solution for prostate cancer detection. This ground-breaking approval means that Paige Prostate is the first and only AI-based pathology product to receive market authorization for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) use.

This FDA approval marks the beginning of a new era of clinical care where pathologists will be able to leverage computational pathology products like Paige Prostate to enhance their ability to make a diagnoses and lead to improved patient outcomes.

In this panel session, we will discuss what this news means for the field of pathology and if it will be the catalyst toward a digital transformation in pathology.

If you are attending the conference, please ensure to stop by our Paige booth to get hands on with Paige Prostate and learn how it can help enhance confidence in prostate cancer diagnosis. On Day 2 of the conference Paige will host a workshop with Dr. Juan Antonio Retamero Medical Director Paige and Dr. Patricia Raciti, Pathologist, Paige who will speak about, AI and Digital Pathology in Clinical Practice: What’s in it for Pathologists?

For more details on the 8th Digital Pathology & AI congress in Europe, please visit: Link



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