September 25, 2024


BY Erica Goodpaster

The shareholders, the Board of Directors, the management of Cytomine Corporation SA are very sad to inform you about the closing of its activities at the end of July ’24.

The projected capital increase with new investors was not successful, and, without financial means, the Board of Directors had no other choice than stopping the start-up activities.

It implies that Cytomine Corporation will not pursue to develop nor to maintain the Cytomine Community and Enterprise Editions, nor contribute anymore to the open source, its intrinsic and long lasting DNA.

Cytomine Corporation will not maintain and monitor neither any of the Cytomine platforms running on its servers as the ones deployed on customer side.

This closes an adventure of several years that has seen tens of thousands of students worldwide discover human, animal and plant histology thanks to our solution allowing their teachers at universities around the world to build innovative teaching activities focused on web based virtual microscopy.

The collaborative features of Cytomine platform have helped thousands of pathologists to specialise themselves, hundreds of clinicians and researchers to investigate rare and complex forms of cancer, and lot of data scientists to develop AI models adapted to digital pathology.

Innovation being part of our daily motivation, Cytomine Corporation was implicated in very cutting edge funded projects, where with our partners we were pushing the limits of Digital Pathology in different topics like asthma or cancers diseases using AI supportive diagnosis models, managing huge collections of whole-slide images, collaborative diagnosis over frontiers, standardisation of data and images, and exploration of new image modalities. We really want to thank all our partners and the organisations that funded these projects for their support.

To be able to address all these challenges, we had made strong partnerships with industrial scanner vendors and AI pure players. We would like to thank them for their help to reach our goals.

During this journey, we really appreciated being an active part in the digital pathology innovation ecosystem, either in teaching, research or diagnosis, and we hope that during all these years we have helped all users from these three markets.

In the last days, we have received lots of very supportive testimonies from our community: customers and their associated Cytomine users, partners and vendors. We really want to thank you all of you for your support and wish you the best in your digital pathology journey.

Cytomine Corporation management want also to express a special thanks to all our collaborators, employees and contractors, for their implication during all these years. Their dedication and support were key to develop the software and the business.

We shall now focus on saving the project Cytomine for a potential takeover. We remain open for any suggestion, and we will keep you inform about any evolution in the near future.



VINCKE Grégoire

SOURCE: Cytomine


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