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Wednesday 25th October | 8:00 AM PDT | 11:00 AM EDT | 4:00 PM BST

Vlado Ovtcharov, Lead Algorithm Engineer, Indica Labs, Inc
Dr. Kate Lillard Tunstall, CSO, Indica Labs, Inc  

If you’ve attended any digital pathology or medical imaging meetings over the past couple of years, you have heard artificial intelligence or deep learning mentioned at least once.  If you are not a computer scientist, algorithm engineer or image analyst, you might be wondering how these tools differ from all the other image analysis and pattern recognition tools that have been used in digital pathology for years.  In this webinar, we will demystify this emerging technology with a bit of background, explain its current and potential applications in pathology and discuss how Indica Labs’ HALO-AITM platform is making this powerful technology accessible to the pathology community.

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