July 12, 2009

Cleveland Clinic launches its own WebMD

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan

Cleveland Clinic last week unveiled Clevelandclinichealth.com, the hospital’s health-and-wellness portal and the latest in a string of online creations in the past year.

More health-care institutions have tried to turn their medical knowledge outward as they witness the success of social media and sites like WedMD. A site like MayoClinic.com is the standard bearer for the concept. And for nearly 15 years Case Western Reserve University, the University of Cincinnati and Ohio State University have developed the health-care question-and-answer site NetWellness.

The Clinic’s site, which redirects readers to a section of ClevelandClinic.org, culls the information from many of its print and other online publications, draws from a video database, includes an alphabetic index of health problems and intersperses personal stories about diseases.

Read the rest at MedCity News.


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