
Introducing Oncotopix AI

Webinar: Oncotopix AI Webinar
Wednesday, March 7th, 2018
8 AM CST | 2 PM GMT | 3 PM CET

Artificial intelligence and deep learning are probably the most popular buzzwords this year within the healthcare research community – strongly driven by amazing state-of-the-art results in computer vision and natural language processing combined with popular media interest.

Visiopharm has always believed that the future of digital pathology, from detection and diagnosis to prognosis and treatment decisions, is strongly influenced by advances in pattern recognition, data science and machine learning. And is therefore excited about deep learning technologies that have the potential to unlock large, high-dimensional datasets in an end-to-end algorithmic learning approach. Oncotopix AI is one of the latest technologies that brings us closer to this reality.

Join this 60 minute webinar and learn more about the Oncotopix AI solution, and how it has the potential to revolutionise the field of cancer research.

Don’t miss out, register for this webinar today!

Or, visit our webinars page for more information.

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Related Articles:

Press Release – Visiopharm broadens its diagnostic digital pathology solution with Oncotopix Scan

Press Release – Visiopharm Engages in Major Initiative for Deep Learning in Tissue Based Pathology

Source: Visiopharm


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