July 15, 2008

President Exercises Veto Power, Fails to Enact Medicare Legislation

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan

CAP LogoAction Alert
From the CAP

Laboratorians and Pathlogists Urged to Write Congress to Override Veto

President Bush delivered on his threat to veto comprehensive Medicare legislation (H.R. 6331) which recently passed the Senate by virtue of a cloture vote 69 to 30, citing objection to provisions in the Medicare package. ASCP and CAP have been a strong proponent of the legislation as it reversed the pending 10.6 percent cut in the physician fee schedule, repealed the clinical laboratory competitive bidding demonstration project, lifted the freeze on the clinical laboratory fee schedule, and extended the technical component grandfather provisions. Despite President Bush’s veto, there is still an opportunity to enact HR 6331, the “Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008;” if Congress overrides the veto. This is the process by which each chamber of Congress votes on a bill vetoed by the President. To pass a bill over the President’s objections requires a two-thirds vote in each Chamber. ASCP members are urged to write their members of Congress by clicking here to Override the Veto: http://capwiz.com/ascpath/issues/alert/?alertid=11602626&type=CO

The “Medicare Improvements to Patients and Providers Act” contains numerous provisions not only of extreme importance to the laboratory community but also to Seniors and the medical community as a whole. It is vitally important that this legislation be enacted so that we can assure that Medicare beneficiaries receive quality access and care.

Many of your House and Senate Members took a bold stand initially, voting to pass this significant legislation. It is imperative that ASCP & CAP members urge all Members of Congress to vote to override. Contact your Senators and Representative and ask them to Override the Veto. The legislation remains crucial to the welfare of our patients and the laboratory.


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