23 October, 2019 
8:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 16:00 BST | 23:00 CST

Presented by
Anne Hellebust, PhD | Life Sciences Product Manager, Indica Labs, Inc.
Vlado Ovtcharov | Senior Algorithm Engineer, Indica Labs, Inc.

Hosted by Dr. Kate Lillard Tunstall |  Chief Scientific Officer, Indica Labs, Inc

Deep learning is rapidly evolving and HALO AI™ is no exception. With the recent release of HALO AI 2.0, we thought this would be a good opportunity to give an update on all of the improvements made to HALO AI over the last year. In this webinar, Anne Hellebust and Vlado Ovtcharov, will discuss and demonstrate –

  • Advanced post-processing options to help clean up your classifications
  • Two powerful new neural networks, MiniNet and DenseNet
  • New Python plugin for integration of custom networks – perfect for developers who need a user-friendly interface for training and running their neural networks

If you haven’t seen HALO AI recently, it is time to take a fresh look!


Please note – a professional email address or affiliation is required to register for this webinar. If you would like to register with a personal email address, you must include your institutional or company affiliation in the registration form. Space is limited and we reserve the right to reject registrations from other vendors and industry competitors. If you experience any issues with registration, please email our marketing team at marketing@indicalab.com.


Dr. Anne Hellebust, PhD
Product Manager, Life Sciences
Indica Labs, Inc.

Anne Hellebust earned a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of New Mexico in 2009 and a PhD in Bioengineering from Rice University in 2015. Her thesis work evaluated the use of topically applied fluorescent contrast agent cocktails to improve early cancer detection using in vivo preclinical models. During her time in the research lab, she developed a skill set focused around confocal microscopy and image analysis. In 2016, Anne joined Indica Labs as an application scientist, providing sales and technical support to customers world-wide.

Vlado Ovtcharov
Senior Algorithm Engineer
Indica Labs, Inc.

Vlado Ovtcharov received a BS in Mathematics from the University of New Mexico in 2012. Vlado joined Indica Labs soon after in 2013 as a software engineer. Since then he has worked on HALO’s registration, classification and cellular analysis algorithms as well as working on Indica Labs Camelyon 17 challenge entry.

Source: Indica Labs, Inc.


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