Imagine an APP for nuclei segmentation that is reliable and can be used by anyone in your lab.

Recent advances in deep learning and artificial intelligence have enabled Visiopharm to develop novel tools for nuclei segmentation in brightfield images, providing you with the accuracy, precision, and ease-of-use you have been waiting for.

Visiopharm’s new Artificial Intelligence Nuclei Segmentation APP will allow you to:

  • Robustly define and quantify nuclei in both H&E and IHC images
  • Generate results for sensitive and often challenging cases

Whether you are an image analysis expert or a novice user, you can expect results quickly.

This presentation will highlight Visiopharm’s new AI Nuclei APP and how it can be combined with other AI and machine learning APPs to generate accurate and meaningful results.

Date: Tuesday, Dec 10th
Time: 11 am CET and 1 pm EST
Duration: 20 min

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