January 13, 2020

Top 12 Artificial Intelligence Innovations Disrupting Healthcare by 2020

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan

These twelve artificial intelligence innovations are expected to start impacting clinical care by the end of the decade.

By Jennifer Bresnick of HeatlhITAnalytics.com

There’s no question that artificial intelligence is moving quickly in the healthcare industry.  Even just a few months ago, AI was still a dream for the next generation: something that would start to enter regular care delivery in a couple of decades – maybe ten or fifteen years for the most advanced health systems.

Even Partners HealthCare, the Boston-based giant on the very cutting edge of research and reform, set a ten-year timeframe for artificial intelligence during its 2018 World Medical Innovation Forum, identifying a dozen AI technologies that had the potential to revolutionize patient care within the decade.

But over the past twelve months, research has progressed so rapidly that Partners has blown up that timeline.

Instead of viewing AI as something still lingering on the distant horizon, this year’s Disruptive Dozen panel was tasked with assessing which AI innovations will be ready to fundamentally alter the delivery of care by 2020 – now less than a year away.

Sixty members of the Partners faculty participated in nominating and narrowing down the tools they think will have an almost immediate benefit for patients and providers, explained Erica Shenoy, MD, PhD, an infectious disease specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).

“These are innovations that have a strong potential to make significant advancement in the field, and they are also technologies that are pretty close to making it to market,” she said.

The results include everything from mental healthcare and clinical decision support to coding and communication, offering patients and their providers a more efficient, effective, and cost-conscious ecosystem for improving long-term outcomes.

In order from least to greatest potential impact, here are the twelve artificial intelligence innovations poised to become integral components of the next decade’s data-driven care delivery system.

>>Read full article at HeatlhITAnalytics.com


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