When you just can’t be in more locations at once and you can’t increase the hours in a day, what do you do?

Grundium logoPathologists need to be able to focus their time on their core expertise, on examining and diagnosing, not on traveling or waiting for slides to be shipped to them. To be able to cope with the increasing demand for their expertise, a pathologist must be able to view slides wherever they are.

Likewise, for a chain of pathology service providers the ability to process a number of slides in a number of different locations with the same level of quality used to require an expert at each location. To process slides centrally is an option, but that means you’re faced with longer response times due to shipping slides.

So, the bottlenecks are in the logistics of people and slides, getting a second opinion fast, organizing the workflow, dealing with digital compatibility and having the right tools for the job, not to mention spending a lot of money on a scanner. Going digital is then a no-brainer, however it’s typically one big hassle with procurement, preparing rooms and spaces, training the staff, etc.

But what if it weren’t.

With a compact and affordable Grundium Ocus in the location where the sample is taken and made into a slide, the initial scanning can be performed by anybody with 15 minutes of training. The expert pathologist can in turn be anywhere in the world as long as they have internet connection and a web browser (computer, laptop, tablet or phone). With the time saved a pathologist is free to work on far more cases at once.

The Grundium Ocus works like a webserver. The pathologist logs in to the Ocus software in their browser where they can remotely operate the scanner to look at any part of the slide. The Remote Live View feature also lends itself to making rapid onsite evaluation.

By sharing the controls of the scanner, the pathologist can quickly set up a group of people all simultaneously collaborating on the same slide, in one microscope scanner. Not only does this make educational purposes and group work exceptionally simple, but it’s so easy a second, third or fifth opinion is now just a click away.

The Grundium Ocus can be integrated with any workflow models and lab systems and it supports the most common file formats, .svs and .tiff. The browser-based software works with any system. It also comes without any annual/monthly fees or hidden costs.

Since Grundium works decidedly open platform, our APIs make it possible for AI to be integrated in the process. Grundium is also happy to negotiate custom software to make adoption faster and keep changes to workflows minimal.

Other slide scanners are typically big, expensive and tied to a set location. The Grundium Ocus is a portable scanner, which travels anywhere in its own case small enough for aircraft cabins and with a powerbank it can be used even where there are no wall sockets. The Ocus doesn’t require a perfectly level desk to stand on. It isn’t sensitive to vibration and can even scan in a moving vehicle, if that’s your thing. The Ocus is mobile and portable beyond anything else available in the market and practically defines “remotely operated” and telepathology. With a price point matching its compact size, it has what it takes to be on every pathologist’s desk as a personal scanner, staple equipment of any hospital, clinic and school, and a fantastic remote tool in every location of a pathology service provider.

If you are interested in making remote work easier for yourself or your team, please contact

Mika Kuisma, CEO

Attila György, Sales Director

About Grundium

Grundium is a global leader in advanced imaging technology. Established in 2015 by ex-Nokia engineers, the Tampere-based company is democratising digital pathology with the Ocus whole slide imaging microscope scanner. The cutting-edge imaging solutions are based on over 20 years of experience in optics, sensors and processing. Grundium serves various industries and businesses enhancing quality and processes, protecting human life and safeguarding a clean environment.

Source: Grundium



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