January 31, 2023

Gestalt Digipath Digest for January 2023

BY Erica Goodpaster

gestaltGestalt: Looking beyond 2023

By Charles Best

The exciting digital pathology pivot was initially driven by the necessity during the pandemic. Looking beyond the initial drivers, adoption is continuing at a pace that has been unprecedented for technology acceptance in pathology historically. This is a truly exciting time as organizations realize the benefits and as solutions continue to evolve. We are all experiencing the barriers to digital pathology being dissolved as we see vendors, pathologists, IT departments, and administration working side-by- side to understand the value, use cases, workflows, and possibilities of digital and AI in practice.

We begin this year by celebrating the projected rapid growth of our industry and fully embracing the development and delivery of ever-evolving digital solutions. What we do know is that with the adoption rate by our current live clients, the need for digital pathology will be met by organizations like ours, which have a foundation and philosophy of being truly interoperable, streamlined, and flexible, and provide an ecosystem for the pathologist.

We also know that the value of digital pathology in promoting remote second opinions and consultations, shorter sign-out times, enhanced data retrieval and integration, true interoperability, as well as the opportunity for AI assistance for enhanced analysis are some of the major drivers for increased adoption for digital pathology. As a leading provider in digital pathology, Gestalt is looking forward to our industry’s continued evolution and innovation beyond 2023, impacting what matters most, the lives of patients.

Read the rest of the Digipath Dispatch here.

Source: Gestalt


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