March 02, 2023

Indica Lab Announces Part One of Multiplex IHC Webinar

BY Erica Goodpaster

Indica LabsIndica Labs announces part one of Multiplex IHC webinar.

Masterclass Webinar 1: Optimizing a 3-plex Multiplex IHC Assay Using Roche Discovery Reagents and HALO® Image Analysis

Date: May 11, 2023
Time: 8 am PST | 11 am EST | 16:00 GMT
Location: Webinar


Learn how to optimize a Roche Discovery 3-plex assay from staining to image analysis


In this 60-minute webinar, we will discuss best practices and optimization techniques for Roche Discovery multiplex immunohistochemical (mIHC) assays and HALO® image analysis. First, we will present methods, tips and tricks to design and optimize staining protocols. Next, we will share a series of mIHC assays wherevarious chromogen combinations were tested on an assay comprised of three biomarkers and hematoxylin. From this dataset, we will discuss which assays are appropriate for image analysis with the HALO® Multiplex IHC module, which are not, and why. We will conclude the webinar with a live demo of HALO and HALO AI on a 3-plex assay to quantify staining of a membrane biomarker and to evaluate colocalization of two nuclear biomarkers. 


    • Advance your mIHC assay design and optimization knowledge 
    • Improve your brightfield image deconvolution for mIHC analysis with tips and tricks 
    • Learn from examples of successful 3-plex chromogenic image analysis as well as images that are problematic and learn from common challenges 
    • See how HALO AI membrane segmentation and nuclear segmentation can advance your multiplex IHC image analysis in a live demonstration 


Mélanie Beaulande, PhD 
Scientific Expert Discovery & Multiplexing EMEA – LATAM
Roche Diagnostics 

Angela Ramos, MSc.
Application Project Manager
Roche Diagnostics 

Kim Collins, PhD
Sr. Marketing Manager
Indica Labs 

Kim completed her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and Cell Biology at the University of California, San Diego, and obtained her PhD from the University of Washington and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Molecular and Cellular Biology Program where she developed a passion for microscopy. In her postdoctoral fellowship at the Stowers Institute of Medical Research, she continued to use high and super resolution microscopy to advance her research. Kim has 10 years of experience working on product and marketing teams at companies focused on microscopy and image analysis. In her current role, she leads a team of three and manages comarketing partnerships, creation of print and digital scientific and clinical marketing content, and events supporting Indica Labs’ products and services.


SOURCE: Indica Labs


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