May 25, 2023

Indica Labs Announces Masterclass Webinar

BY Erica Goodpaster

Indica Labs Webinar

Indica Labs announces its latest masterclass webinar for June.

Masterclass Webinar: Intro to the HALO AI Toolbox

Date: 29 June 2023
Time: 8:00 am PDT | 11:00 am EDT | 16:00 BST
Location: Webinar


Learn about each of the HALO AI networks and their applications


Join us for this 1-hour webinar to see a breakdown of the networks that make up HALO AI and applications suitable for each one. We will also present an overview of how easily these HALO AI networks integrate with HALO analysis modules in a live software demonstration.   


    • Learn how HALO AI can advance your image analysis with an easy-to-use interface
    • Learn all of the available networks that make up HALO AI and how to use them for
      • Tissue classification
      • Nuclear and membrane segmentation
      • Object phenotyping
    • Learn how to use the HALO AI networks in HALO analysis modules


Anne Hellebust, PhD
Director of Product, Life Sciences

Anne Hellebust earned a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of New Mexico in 2009 and a PhD in Bioengineering from Rice University in 2015. Her thesis work evaluated the use of topically applied fluorescent contrast agent cocktails to improve early cancer detection using in vivo preclinical models. During her time in the research lab, she developed a skill set focused around confocal microscopy and image analysis. In 2016, Anne joined Indica Labs as an application scientist, providing sales and technical support to customers world-wide. In 2017, Anne became the Product Manager, Life Sciences, and advanced to Director of Product – Life Sciences in 2020.


SOURCE: Indica Labs


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