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According to the Dark Daily, acquisition of digital pathology technologies still remains in earliest stages: "Anatomic pathology laboratories continue to purchase and deploy digital pathology systems at a brisk rate. It...

Interesting perspective from Dr. Paul Chang on digital pathology and workflow processes published in Health Imaging and IT.   With vendors inking partnerships and developing new tools to bring pathology out of the dark ages and experts...

The following post was submitted by Dr. Holger Lange, CTO of Flagship Biosciences, who is working with a number of pharmaceutical partners on regulatory companion diagnostics development. Digital Pathology is a new technology, a new industry,...

Where is the digital pathology interest in dermatopathology buried? With the increased adoption of both brightfield and whole slide fluorescence scanning, the accessibility of skin samples seems ripe for digital pathology applications....

Legal disclaimer: This post has nothing to do with digital pathology. It is just a personal battle between a man, new technology, a steep driveway, and a lot of snow. It has nothing to do with digital pathology. I live on a steep driveway in...

2010, in a word, was about change.  Personally, my family and I moved from Mayo Clinic in cold and snowy Rochester, MN to private practice in slight less cold and snowy Charlotte, NC. So far the move and new opportunities have...


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