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Combining Motic’s digital slide scanner technology with machine learning, EasyScan GO automatically and accurately detects malaria parasites within minutes, providing vital support to microscopists and enabling effective tracking of the...

STOCKHOLM - November 8, 2017 - ContextVision, a medical technology company specializing in image analysis and artificial intelligence, has added new members to its advisory board for DESUTO, a Eurostar sponsored research program within...

Imagine navigating yourself in a city not familiar to you using a map that shows only terrain features without any other important layers of information on the urban environment. If you are extremely lucky, you might end up finding the...

Tampa, FL, October 23, 2017/Globe Newswire – Cancer informatics and digital pathology workflow solution provider Inspirata®, Inc. announced today that Joshua (Josh) Mann recently joined the company as Vice President, Cancer Information...


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