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I would add just one point to this excellent advice from Dr. Tangella, CEO, DoveMed -- your digital pathology images as well - these should be as portable as the rest of your medical records! Written by : Krish Tangella MD MBA...

I am a big fan of synoptic reports for cancer diagnoses. They allow us to standardize our reporting of tumor site, type, grade stage, size and many other characteristics of the tumor that comprise staging information required for therapy. We...

I recently came across a blog post on KevinMD entitled “Patients are not customers. Here are 6 reasons why” written by Dr. Shirie Leng, an anesthesiologist in Massachusetts. She introduces the post comparing how we purchase goods and...

Last October I wrote a post "Pathologists Cannot Talk to Patients? Fuggedaboutit" The Pathologist is now reporting some movement against this piece of legislation bad for patients and pathologists: Pathologists and hospitals urge New...

“Several studies have shown that the specialty of pathology tends to attract intuitive, detail-oriented introverts who appreciate the emphasis on intellectual ability and the lack of direct patient contact.” H.L. Mencken said, “What...

Last month this blog turned 8 years old with nearly 2,700 posts to date or about 330 posts per year on average.  Along the way in addition to news items, my thoughts, stories and remembrances of medical education and the like there have been a...


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