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For better or for worse the general public, what I will call the “patient public”, potential and existing consumers of healthcare services that may be delivered by pathologists and laboratories, do not know who we are. They do not know...

“Several studies have shown that the specialty of pathology tends to attract intuitive, detail-oriented introverts who appreciate the emphasis on intellectual ability and the lack of direct patient contact.” H.L. Mencken said, “What...

Last month this blog turned 8 years old with nearly 2,700 posts to date or about 330 posts per year on average.  Along the way in addition to news items, my thoughts, stories and remembrances of medical education and the like there have been a...

This is a continuation from Mr. Sims and the Summer of ’95 – Part 1. On Thursday, July 13, 1995 the high temperature at O’Hare Airport was 104 degrees. Mayor Daley was quoted as saying “It’s hot. It’s very hot. Yesterday we...

Mr. Sims appeared in front of Judge O’Callahan in a Cook County Circuit Court in Chicago off of Dearborn as I recall. We both had cases to be heard at the 1:00 court call. His would be the first case called and mine the last called at 5...

Last Saturday I had the good fortune of playing golf with this gentlemen who will be 97 in a few days. To put this into some perspective, for a person born in 1918, the odds according to some sources I saw were on the order of 0.50% of living...


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