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Ibex: Artificial Intelligence is Used at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center to Support Pathologists Diagnosing Prostate Cancer TEL AVIV, Israel, Dec. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Ibex Medical Analytics (Ibex), the leader in...
Huron Digital Pathology Collaborates with UPMC on Artificial Intell...
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Huron Digital Pathology announced today that Dr. Hamid Tizhoosh, Director of the KIMIA Lab at the University of Waterloo and Huron advisory board member, will present a talk entitled “Faster, Better, More Reliable than Deep Features: A...
It has been said that journalism writes the first page of history. As an amateur publisher for 10 years I rely upon the professionals in the media to make the news that we share. On occasion, when you write the first script, the story is wrong...
A new book entitled, appropriately, "Digital Pathology" has recently been published by ASCP Press, edited by the well-known tag team of Dr. Liron Pantanowitz of UPMC and Dr. Anil Parwani of The Ohio State University. Anil and Liron have nearly...
Digital Pathology Enhances Cancer Diagnostics
Nice article by Dr. Anil Parwani, Professor of Pathology and Biomedical Informatics at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, where he also serves as the Vice Chair of Anatomic Pathology as well as Director of Pathology Informatics...
In the first public news I am aware of since we mentioned in July (see: Changes Coming at Omnyx - Developing Story), the Pittsburgh-Post Gazette reported yesterday that "Omnyx ends UPMC affiliation". The story reports that "Digital pathology...