Digital Pathology Conferences

Be more productive with solutions that help you to work smarter. Digital and computational pathology can streamline your workflow and add intelligence for insightful decision-making. 100% digital case sign-out is possible today with the...

USER GROUP ANNOUNCEMENT Indica Labs invites you to attend our West Coast Quantitative Pathology & AI User Group Meeting to be held right after Molecular Med Tri-Con in San Francisco on March 15th, 2019 from 1 PM to 6 PM. Lunch will be...

WEBINAR Why and how to adopt digital pathology? 20 February, 2019 at 3.00PM (London) / 10.00AM (Montréal) / 4.00 PM (Paris) Speaker: Pascal Tessier – TRIBVN Healthcare’s Business Developer for Canada Register :...

Remote collaboration enabled by digital pathology is allowing organizations to incorporate pathology information in innovative ways. Hear from Proscia, Hamamatsu, and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania on how your laboratory can...

20 February, 2019 at 3.00PM (London) / 10.00AM (Montréal) / 4.00 PM (Paris) Speaker: Pascal Tessier – TRIBVN Healthcare’s Business Developer for Canada Register : ...

Presented by Ákos Ágyi, PhD, Product Manager, 3DHISTECH. Join us for this complimentary webinar to understand how the CaseManagerTM pathology information system helps make the pathology workflow more effective for routine pathology...


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