I am a big fan of synoptic reports for cancer diagnoses. They allow us to standardize our reporting of tumor site, type, grade stage, size and many other characteristics of the tumor that comprise staging information required for therapy. We...
Courtesy of Lab Soft News: The Association for Pathology Informatics (API) and Sunquest Information Systems are launching their third season of free webinars devoted to pathology informatics. The first two seasons of the program have met...
Not often Hollywood makes a movie about a pathologist so hope this is a good characterization of the pathologist and the the facts of what happened. Based on what little I know of CTE and its association with repeated head trauma looking...
Update on Telecytopathology
Re-posted from CAP TODAY: There is a growing body of literature referencing the uses of telecytopathology in clinical care. Telecytopathology (TCP) is the interpretation of cytopathology material at a distance using digital images. Although...
A conceptual model for translating omic data into clinical action Timothy M Herr, Suzette J Bielinski, Erwin Bottinger, Ariel Brautbar, Murray Brilliant, Christopher G Chute, Joshua Denny, Robert R Freimuth, Andrea Hartzler, Joseph Kannry,...
To learn about these presentation as well as other Pathology Visions presenters, please click here. Meeting Reminder: The Pathology Visions room block will close on Friday, September 18, 2015. Click here to make your reservation...