Image Analysis

Aperio has recently received FDA clearance for interpretation of progesterone receptor to its already approved HER2 clearance for digital reads as well as image analysis applications for ER and PR. Excellent news for signing out breast cancers...

In another sign of the pharma market for digital imaging, I came across this press release: "AgilityBio, a division of BioImagene Inc, and Advinus Therapeutics, a TATA enterprise, announced a partnership that will enable providing imaging...

Source: Baylor College of Medicine: Public Library of Science One (PLoS One), November 2008 A new high throughput microscopy technique enabled researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston to analyse thousands of individual cells...

Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of cancer mortality in the world and its management, especially in advanced stages, has evolved relatively little. In particular, no targeted modality has so far been incorporated to its treatment...

Olympus is hosting with a partner company, Visiopharm, a Stereology workshop Visiopharm has outstanding image analysis, with a module called Visiomorph, and has created a method to do Stereology on virtual slides with their NewCast ...

Detailed Quantification of Biomarker Expression in TissuePresented by Dr. Martin BaatzSeptember 18, 2008 – 17:00 CEST/16:00 BST/11:00 am EDT/8:00 PDT Click Here to Register “Biomarkers may be on...


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