
Unlike the song by a similar name, There's not a whole lot of loving going on, in my heart It's a feeling, I'm feeling through and through There's not a whole lot of missing every time we're apart There's not a whole lot of loving just for...

As I mentioned about 6 months ago, our practice has adopted the use of digital pathology. While it is "digital", it is simply, pathology. At least 80% of my caseload is now viewed on a monitor. The work is done with mouse rather than...

“It isn't knowledge that's making trouble, but the uses it's put to.” - Kurt Vonnegut As a resident, my chief of anatomic pathology, who was Mexican born and spoke perfect Spanglish told me, “Señor, you have to know the 3 Gs and the D...

The AI achieved 100% sensitivity and 50% or more specificity TOKYO, (November 16, 2021)—The results of Olympus’ ongoing joint research program1to create an AI-based pathology diagnostic tool with the potential to streamline...


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