Laboratory Informatics

There are a few basic value propositions in digital pathology - namely that the images are persistent, consistent and efficient.  That is to say the images, once acquired, do not degrade, fade or get altered as do many glass slides do over...

Now available!  We are thrilled to announce that we now have a live, real-time laboratory management dashboard and standard management reports available as an addition to our WindoPath®, Laboratory Information System...

Come and join one of PerkinElmer’s brief in-booth tutorials at the AACR Annual conference – April 6 - 10 – Washington, DC on Biomarker multiplexing, biomarker quantification, whole slide scanning, and signal amplification Detect...

TRIBVN, the leading provider of medical imaging solutions recently announced that its solution CaloPix Workstation has been CE marked, in accordance with essential requirements of the European Directive 93/42/CEE as a software for the...

University of Michigan added to the PathCentral Pathology Network with hopes of increasing volume related to pathology consults from a global market.  ANN ARBOR, Mich. & IRVINE, Calif. -- PathCentral (, a...

Courtesy of InformationWeek Healthcare: A new telemedicine network purports to be the first cloud-based, open platform for pathologists to consult with each other and share images in a secure environment. The PathCentral Pathology...


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