As the world begins to see positive results in our collective efforts to “flatten the curve” of COVID-19 infections, Inspirata aims to bring light to what a post-pandemic world would look like for the pathology profession. Tampa, Florida...
Proscia Offers Concentriq Dx for Remote Use in Clinical Practice Du...
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The FDA has issued guidance aimed at expanding the use of remote digital pathology devices during the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the FDA’s guidance, Proscia announced today that we are now offering our Concentriq Dx digital...
Feedbacks from hospitals in France, Canada and Belgium Dowload the White Paper Contents Many surgical procedures are being cancelled in this time of crisis, however cancer care must continue. Furthermore, cancer / COVID-19...
Huron Digital Pathology Granted US Patent for Barcoding Digital Ima...
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St. Jacobs, Ontario, Canada – April 22, 2020 – Huron Digital Pathology announced today that it has been granted a US patent for barcoding digital images. The invention forms the basis for Huron’s image search platform. Related to the...
Op-Ed: The COVID-19 Impact on Global Pathology
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By Nicholas Chan, Director of Digital Pathology at Motic COVID-19 is here to stay. What can we do about it? It’s become increasingly likely over the last several months, with the world grinding to a halt from this pandemic, that COVID-19...
Inspirata gains strategic support in its initiative to allow pathology departments across the world to offer work-from-home opportunities for their pathologists during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Tampa, Florida (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cancer...