Friday, 11 April 2008 Across Europe and worldwide, telemedicine and telehealth services respond to today's health and social demands, i.e. treatment of chronic patients, support for the quality of life of elderly people living at home and...
Interesting piece on telemedicine about Henry Ford surgeon. Henry Ford surgeon treats patients from afar via computerized ultrasound linkup Christina Rogers / The Detroit News DETROIT -- Trauma surgeon Dr. Scott Dulchavsky isn't looking to take...
The Charité University Hospital, part of Berlin University, has opened a centre for cardiovascular telemedicine that will carry out research and provide services to patients. It is the first academic telemedicine centre in Germany to support...
The Wall Street Journal (3/25, D7, Rubenstein) reports that "a nonprofit group called the iHealth Alliance is launching an online network that will email alerts to doctors who sign up" about specialty-focused "significant...
Newswise — After nearly ten years of research and development, scientists at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn and Peking University in Beijing were awarded a United States patent for their virtual telemicroscope. This patented...
Small Pathology Groups Can Benefit from New Digital Technology After publication of our bi-annual list of macro trends in anatomic pathology (AP) in The Dark Report earlier this month, a number of clients commented on the rather gloomy...