In collaboration with India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Intel Corporation Chairman Craig Barrett announced a sweeping new effort to transform healthcare in rural India. The health projects, starting in Tamil Nadu, a state with a...
Can home telehealth help Medicaid recipients have better success receiving the regular healthcare that they need? The question is addressed in the newest installment of the Home Telehealth Community of Care web page entitled “Medicaid and...
From a telemedicine perspective I thought this was an interesting story from the California press about cell-phone only surveys reflecting change in use since a few years ago. “About 4,000 cell phone-only users will soon start...
MedeFile International last week announced that its users can now access their personal medical records using the iPhone. MedeFile specializes in Electronic Medical Record (EMR) management. MedeFile offers subscription-based access to...
This article appeared in PathologyToday, published by ASCP and written by its president, Dr. John S.J. Brooks. Normally when I see such a title - the implication of whole slide imaging as a no-brain gateway for outsourcing and its...
The Technology Showcase and briefing held on June 21, 2007 was declared a huge success by attendees and exhibitors. The Capitol Hill Steering Committee on Telehealth and Healthcare Informatics each year devotes a day in June to highlight the...